Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rokk 'til u puke, y'all


So the RASC crew went to the Scion Rockfest Saturday. When they said Rockfest, they weren't kidding. You know how when you go to a show and get there at 11:30 to skip the shitty opening band, catch 3/4 of the second band, see the headliner and bail before 1:30? Solid two hours of rocking right? This was my first festival, and I was unfamiliar with the experience of live music absorption for hours on end, let alone metal at bruising decibels.

I was pretty hungover from the night before and didn't get much sleep, which, coupled with only eating a few scattered Bugles (original flavor to boot) caused me to free my digestive tract of some of its fuel three songs into opener Kylesa's set. I can now literally claim that "Kylesa was so heavy they made me puke" and that I presented my barf to the crowd in a chalice of glory as it exploded forth.







chalice of glory

Use your imagination.

The heavy hitters kept coming. Torche was awesome, and then Baroness was better. Boris was pretty mind-blowing, though their presence was more interesting at times than the music. They had a strange slow part, as if they expected people to grab a partner and slowdance at the Rockfest. This is the second time I've seen them and they seemed like total rockstars both times, but I suppose they are on world tour. Does that excuse hair metal locks?

And then I left. Water was $3 and I was a dying cheap ass carrying jackets with traces of vomit on them in a large public space without the ability to hear or think coherently. I think I'm gonna go light on the metal for a few weeks. Mastodon's new album is really good, but I don't feel like posting it. I'm gonna post something else instead.

have it all

Planningtorock- Have It All

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