Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Gorilla on my Gang Gang Dance Poster is Looking At Me Funny

"I'm swearing off tequila" may be a cliche, but it is not necessarily one without merit.

Today's album is really good. I suggest you download it.


The Fucking Am- Gold

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Antler Makeout Trick works every time

Spring Break meant no 1 2 party w/, so the weekend was something of a waste. I'm in North Carolina now though, so that's cool. Getting back at/to nature and what have you. Ate at Hardees for the first time in years.


Their BBQ Chicken Sandwich was not what I expected. It was just a chicken fillet slathered in sauce. Not chopped in the slightest. Bummer. The shake was delicious though.

That sweetheart Chris made a website in my honor. You may find it amusing.

I Hate Nick K

Here's an album I'm upping by request. The request of Steveslaw, but either way, here it is.

crystal antlers

Crystal Antlers- Tentacles

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Was it the weed or the whiskey?"

"Probably both."

It took me a minute to figure out what specific facet of my condition the aging hippie who posed the question to me was referring to - I was doing court-ordered community service at the time - and then it took me another minute to figure out whether or not that question's variable application to my life should be concerning, which ended with me shrugging and going out to cut up boxes and smoke a cigarette. He thoroughly enjoyed my response, by the way, responding with an enthused "right on" and declared that there was still hope for my generation, which apparently makes this a defining question. So, what about you - weed or whiskey?

Anyway, I acquired a couple albums yesterday that I've been enjoying. One's a new-wavey punk band that reminds me of Devo and the other's a shoegazey Chicago post-punk band. I'll let you figure out which is which based on the merits of their names:

Disappears - Live Over the Rainbo

Nodzzz - s/t

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Indecision and a lazy Sunday

So, it's been a while since I've been around here. This wasn't anything intentional, I've just been a bit caught up in the two primary venues in which my life currently manifests itself: working and drinking. Perhaps if the two activities weren't so mutually exclusive I could better manage my time to so that I could dick around here more often, but I suppose that's just something I'll have to either handle on my own or take up with my employer. Anyway, I'm already starting to infringe on time needed for one of those categories, so I guess I'll get on with it - I mean, coming on here just to talk about my absence is a bit daft.

Moving on, I've been having this problem lately that makes me dismally indecisive when figuring out what I feel like listening to, and it's making me feel somewhat 'out of touch' with myself. I blame this on the weather's apparent bipolar disorder. One weekend we receive more snow than we've had since that blizzard, and the next it's in the upper-70's. How the fuck am I supposed to have any focus when the world around me exists in such extreme indecision itself? Is it too much to ask for the world to stabilize a bit so that I can regain enough composure to get back 'in the know' with myself? Or should I just embrace this state of fluctuation and 'reinvent myself' from day to day? Meh, fuck it, I guess I'll just get back to drinking.

Anyway, here's what I can say about what I have been listening to lately: I've been really digging that Mi Ami album, as well as Real Estate (wish I had more stuff from them).

Mi Ami - Watersports

Real Estate 7"

Also, that knew Grizzly Bear is pretty good. They've always been my favorite bear.

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

Oh, and could someone please hook me up with the new Crystal Antlers? Looking at you, Nick...

Alright, well, that was refreshing. I think I'll go lay back with a beer for now, but I've this week off from work, which should hopefully give me some time to reassemble my thoughts, take advantage of my intermittent internet connection, and make some actually useful/interesting posts.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rokk 'til u puke, y'all


So the RASC crew went to the Scion Rockfest Saturday. When they said Rockfest, they weren't kidding. You know how when you go to a show and get there at 11:30 to skip the shitty opening band, catch 3/4 of the second band, see the headliner and bail before 1:30? Solid two hours of rocking right? This was my first festival, and I was unfamiliar with the experience of live music absorption for hours on end, let alone metal at bruising decibels.

I was pretty hungover from the night before and didn't get much sleep, which, coupled with only eating a few scattered Bugles (original flavor to boot) caused me to free my digestive tract of some of its fuel three songs into opener Kylesa's set. I can now literally claim that "Kylesa was so heavy they made me puke" and that I presented my barf to the crowd in a chalice of glory as it exploded forth.







chalice of glory

Use your imagination.

The heavy hitters kept coming. Torche was awesome, and then Baroness was better. Boris was pretty mind-blowing, though their presence was more interesting at times than the music. They had a strange slow part, as if they expected people to grab a partner and slowdance at the Rockfest. This is the second time I've seen them and they seemed like total rockstars both times, but I suppose they are on world tour. Does that excuse hair metal locks?

And then I left. Water was $3 and I was a dying cheap ass carrying jackets with traces of vomit on them in a large public space without the ability to hear or think coherently. I think I'm gonna go light on the metal for a few weeks. Mastodon's new album is really good, but I don't feel like posting it. I'm gonna post something else instead.

have it all

Planningtorock- Have It All